Sqrt((xp1-xp2)^2 + (yp1-yp2)^2 + (zp1-zp2)^2)
Where x=K/9, y=HR/9, z=K-BB/IP, p1=Player1, p2=Player2, p3=Player3
See comments below...
Dodger Starting Pitcher Similarity Score Matrix | ||||||||||
Penny | Lowe | Billingsley | Schmidt | Loaiza | Guo | Houlton | Stults | Kuroda | Peavy | |
Penny | NA | .3403 | .3804 | .5192 | .7853 | .7809 | 1.1192 | .8550 | .4605 | .9946 |
Lowe | .3403 | NA | .3567 | .6444 | .3758 | .8664 | .6239 | .4291 | .2165 | 1.2509 |
Billingsley | .3804 | .3567 | NA | .2876 | .4263 | .4818 | .6902 | .5500 | .2408 | .8788 |
Schmidt | .5192 | .6444 | .2876 | NA | .6841 | .2102 | .9839 | .8967 | .4509 | .4811 |
Loaiza | .7853 | .3758 | .4263 | .6841 | NA | .7995 | .2323 | .1940 | .2691 | 1.3179 |
Guo | .7809 | .8664 | .4818 | .2102 | .7995 | NA | 1.0784 | 1.0710 | .6094 | .4127 |
Houlton | 1.1193 | .6239 | .6902 | .9839 | .2323 | 1.0784 | NA | .1662 | .5451 | 1.7185 |
Stults | .8550 | .4291 | .5500 | .8967 | .1940 | 1.0710 | .1662 | NA | .4434 | 1.6733 |
Kuroda | .4605 | .2165 | .2408 | .4509 | .2691 | .6094 | .5451 | .4434 | NA | .9795 |
Peavy | .9946 | 1.2509 | .8788 | .4811 | 1.3179 | .4127 | 1.7185 | 1.6733 | .9795 | NA |
You will notice that HongZhi Guo and Jason Schmidt have the closest similarity scores to 2007 Cy Young winner Jake Peavy and of the most likely top 5 starters, Esteban Loaiza and Derek Lowe are the least similar to Jake Peavy. While Loaiza has a very close similarity score to Houlton and Stults, Loaiza is much more similar than Houlton and Stults to the stronger Dodger pitchers. I may add more NL West starting pitchers at a later date and a possible rundown of Dodger hitter similarity scores. Below is a list of the top 10 similarity scores of Dodger starting pitchers.
Rank | Pitchers | Similarity Score |
1 | Houlton/Stults | .1662 |
2 | Loaiza/Stults | .1940 |
3 | Schmidt/Guo | .2102 |
4 | Lowe/Kuroda | .2165 |
5 | Loaiza/Houlton | .2323 |
6 | Billingsley/Kuroda | .2408 |
7 | Loaiza/Kuroda | .2691 |
8 | Billingsley/Schmidt | .2876 |
9 | Penny/Lowe | .3403 |
10 | Lowe/Billingsley | .3567 |