Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Simulations for Wednesday, June 25th

Teams Playing Pitching Matchup Sim Favorite Simulator Odds Sim/Actual Runs Vegas Odds Pinnacle AccuScore Winner
White Sox vs Dodgers G.Floyd vs E.Stults White Sox 51.81% 9.08/5 50.50% 50.98% 54.00% Dodgers
Twins vs Padres G.Perkins vs G.Maddux Padres 60.11% 7.42/12 55.56% 55.56% 61.00% Twins
Rockies vs Royals A.Cook vs L.Hochevar Rockies 53.60% 9.90/6 53.49% 54.13% 58.00% Royals
Giants vs Indians B.Zito vs J.Sowers Indians 54.68% 10.17/5 61.09% 60.47% 59.00% Giants
Angels vs Nationals E.Santana vs T.Redding Angels 53.79% 7.87/9 60.32% 59.84% 63.00% Nationals
Brewers vs Braves J.Suppan vs J.Campillo Braves 60.52% 8.36/6 56.52% 56.52% 60.00% Braves
DBacks vs Red Sox R.Johnson vs T.Wakefield Red Sox 55.83% 10.25/5 60.32% 60.00% 55.00% Red Sox
Mariners vs Mets M.Batista vs J.Maine Mets 61.19% 8.27/10 66.67% 65.87% 68.00% Mets
Simulator Setup File Download
Method Daily Points Total Points
Xeifrank's Simulator 404.55 18638.67
LV Hilton Odds 402.55 18813.68
AccuScore 388.00 18858.48
Pinnacle Sports
LV Hilton leads by 0.94%
AccuScore leads by 1.18%

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I found an old program online and thought you would be interested: http://www.download.com/Baseball-Predictor/3000-2056_4-10713489.html?tag=lst-7&cdlPid=10713490

    I don't know how well it works. But when I came across it, I thought of you.

    Keep up the great work,
    Your friends at Dodgers Digest (http://dodgersdigest.blogspot.com)
