Saturday, June 14, 2008

Simulations for Sunday, June 15th

Teams Playing Pitching Matchup Sim Favorite Simulator Odds Sim/Actual Runs Vegas Odds Pinnacle AccuScore Winner
Dodgers vs Tigers C.Kershaw vs N.Robertson Tigers 50.41% 10.04/9 53.49% 54.55% 59.00% Tigers
Padres vs Indians G.Maddux vs C.Sabathia Indians 51.74% 8.17/10 60.78% 59.02% 57.00% Indians
Rockies vs White Sox A.Cook vs J.Contreras White Sox 58.86% 8.90/8 59.18% 57.08% 55.00% Rockies
Royals vs DBacks G.Meche vs M.Owings DBacks 62.20% 9.77/11 58.33% 58.51% 56.00% Royals
A's vs Giants D.Eveland vs K.Correia Giants 54.49% 7.41/8 47.62% 46.30% 52.00% A's
Phillies vs Cardinals B.Myers vs M.Boggs Cardinals 50.90% 8.98/13 43.48% 43.48% 42.00% Cardinals
Marlins vs Rays R.Nolasco vs E.Jackson Rays 53.95% 9.52/12 59.18% 60.63% 54.00% Marlins
Simulator Setup File Download
Method Daily Points Total Points
Xeifrank's Simulator 323.55 15466.74
LV Hilton Odds 346.48 15624.95
AccuScore 341.00 15657.48
Pinnacle Sports
LV Hilton leads by 1.02%
AccuScore leads by 1.23%
Note: I am currently fine tuning a more accurate comparison method. I am adding AccuScore as a 2nd comparison source. As of May 6th, I gave them the same score as my simulator.

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