Sunday, June 01, 2008

Simulations for Monday, June 2nd

Teams Playing Pitching Matchup Sim Favorite Simulator Odds Vegas Odds Pinnacle AccuScore Winner
Rockies vs Dodgers G.Reynolds vs D.Lowe Dodgers 63.07% 60.78% 60.94% 66.00% Dodgers
DBacks vs Brewers D.Davis vs J.Suppan DBacks 50.33% 45.05% 44.05% 40.00% Brewers
Cubs vs Padres C.Zambrano vs C.Baek Cubs 61.70% 62.26% 61.69% 57.00% Cubs
Mets vs Giants O.Perez vs J.Sanchez Giants 51.60% 47.62% 47.62% 51.00% Giants
Simulator Setup File Download
Method Daily Points Total Points
Xeifrank's Simulator 226.04 11693.95
LV Hilton Odds 225.61 11823.17
AccuScore 234.00 11842.48
Pinnacle Sports
LV Hilton leads by 1.11%
AccuScore leads by 1.27%
Note: I am currently fine tuning a more accurate comparison method. I am adding AccuScore as a 2nd comparison source. As of May 6th, I gave them the same score as my simulator.

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