Saturday, May 17, 2008

Simulations for Sunday, May 18th

Teams Playing Pitching Matchup Sim Favorite Simulator Odds Vegas Odds AccuScore Winner
Dodgers vs Angels D.Lowe vs J.Weaver Angels 51.60% 54.55% 53.40% Angels
Tigers vs DBacks N.Robertson vs R.Johnson DBacks 53.03% 56.52% 52.80% DBacks
Padres vs Mariners S.Estes vs F.Hernandez Mariners 52.83% 62.26% 61.70% Mariners
White Sox vs Giants J.Danks vs M.Cain Giants 59.63% 50.00% 54.70% White Sox
Twins vs Rockies K.Slowey vs J.Francis Rockies 53.80% 58.33% 52.40% Rockies
Simulator Setup File Download
Method Daily Points Total Points
Xeifrank's Simulator 251.63 8703.88
LV Hilton Odds 281.66 8811.25
AccuScore 265.60 8799.68
LV Hilton leads by 1.23%
AccuScore leads by 0.93%
Note: I am currently fine tuning a more accurate comparison method. I am adding AccuScore as a 2nd comparison source. As of May 6th, I gave them the same score as my simulator.

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