Friday, May 02, 2008

Simulations for Saturday, May 3rd

Teams Playing Pitching Matchup Sim Favorite Simulator Odds Vegas Odds Log5 Winner
Dodgers vs Rockies E.Loaiza vs J.DeLaRosa Dodgers 50.90% 51.22% NA Dodgers
Mets vs DBacks M.Pelfrey vs B.Webb DBacks 53.37% 62.96% NA DBacks
Padres vs Marlins J.Peavy vs R.Nolasco Padres 54.43% 60.00% NA Padres
Giants vs Phillies M.Cain vs B.Myers Phillies 59.23% 61.54% NA Giants
Brewers vs Astros M.Parra vs B.Backe Astros 50.23% 50.00% NA Astros
Vegas Baseball Odds
Simulator Setup File Download
Method Daily Points Total Points
Xeifrank's Simulator 249.70 5342.75
LV Hilton Odds 262.64 5411.17
LV Hilton leads by 1.28%
Note: I will be using a different method for comparing my simulator with Las Vegas Sports Book shortly. It involves comparing the standard deviation of each system.
Note: Log5 method won't be used until approximately May 15th.

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