Friday, May 23, 2008

Simulations for Saturday, May 24th

Teams Playing Pitching Matchup Sim Favorite Simulator Odds Vegas Odds AccuScore Winner
Cardinals vs Dodgers K.Lohse vs B.Penny Cardinals 50.27% 40.00% 40.00% Cardinals
Reds vs Padres B.Arroyo vs W.Ledezma Padres 55.63% 48.78% 49.00% Reds
Mets vs Rockies C.Vargas vs J.Francis Mets 53.67% 43.48% 38.00% Mets
DBacks vs Braves R.Johnson vs J.Campillo Braves 51.37% 50.00% 54.00% Braves
Giants vs Marlins M.Cain vs B.Badenhop Marlins 54.90% 51.22% 51.00% PPD.
Simulator Setup File Download
Method Daily Points Total Points
Xeifrank's Simulator 199.68 9854.20
LV Hilton Odds 184.70 9983.00
AccuScore 183.00 9949.48
LV Hilton leads by 1.31%
AccuScore leads by 0.97%
Note: I am currently fine tuning a more accurate comparison method. I am adding AccuScore as a 2nd comparison source. As of May 6th, I gave them the same score as my simulator.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Hey I'd like to talk to you about your simulation and see if you are interested in perhaps doing some projects for me (paid). If this is something that interests you email me at -

    haralabob @
