Friday, May 09, 2008

Simulations for Saturday, May 10th

Teams Playing Pitching Matchup Sim Favorite Simulator Odds Vegas Odds AccuScore Winner
Astros vs Dodgers C.Sampson vs C.Billingsley Dodgers 56.27% 63.64% 57.50% Astros
DBacks vs Cubs M.Scherzer vs R.Dempster Cubs 54.40% 53.49% 58.80% Cubs
Rockies vs Padres U.Jimenez vs G.Maddux Padres 57.20% 53.49% 59.20% Padres
Phillies vs Giants J.Moyer vs T.Lincecum Giants 54.10% 53.70% 53.30% Giants
Cardinals vs Brewers J.Pineiro vs B.Sheets Brewers 59.97% 63.64% 58.70% Cardinals
Simulator Setup File Download
Method Daily Points Total Points
Xeifrank's Simulator 249.46 7165.77
LV Hilton Odds 233.40 7277.44
AccuScore 255.10 7218.18
LV Hilton leads by 1.56%
AccuScore leads by 0.73%
Note: I am currently fine tuning a more accurate comparison method. I am adding AccuScore as a 2nd comparison source. As of May 6th, I gave them the same score as my simulator.
Note: Log5 method won't be used until approximately May 15th.

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