Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Simulations for Wednesday, April 23rd

Note of personal interest: I was quoted in ESPN The Magazine, which has an article ranking the top sports franchises. My comment was a bit sarcastic but nonetheless very serious in regards to nickle and diming that takes place in order to attend an MLB game. (Hat Tip: Molly Knight)

Teams Playing Pitching Matchup Sim Favorite Simulator Odds Vegas Odds Log5 Winner
DBacks vs Dodgers D.Haren vs D.Lowe DBacks 50.68% 49.26% NA Dodgers
Giants vs Padres M.Cain vs G.Maddux Padres 56.55% 57.45% NA Giants
Cubs vs Rockies R.Hill vs F.Morales Rockies 51.50% 52.38% NA Cubs
Phillies vs Brewers C.Hamels vs D.Bush Phillies 50.10% 58.33% NA Brewers
Vegas Baseball Odds
Simulator Setup File Download
Method Daily Points Total Points
Xeifrank's Simulator 191.17 3415.86
LV Hilton Odds 182.58 3482.74
LV Hilton leads by 1.96%
Note: Log5 method won't be used until approximately May 15th.

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